Australian Native Plants

When using herbs and other plants in spells etc it is often more appropriate, and easier, to use what we have in our own back yard, so to speak. The following sites have a wealth of information about the metaphysical properties of many Australian native plants, which can help guide you in your choice of which fresh or dried plants, essential oils and essences to use in your magical work.

Australian Bush Flower Essences
Ian White’s site promoting his Australian Bush Flower Essences and also showing the metaphysical properties of some Australian native plants (Click on the banner here at the left, then the “Single Essences” link, followed by a plant name (or scroll down the page), then click on the photo of the bottle of essence for your chosen plant to reveal a photo of that plant and more detailed information).

Living Essences of Australia

Another brand of Australian native flower essences, with a comprehensive list of flowers and their metaphysical properties (Click on the banner here above, then the “Online Shop” link, followed by “Individual Flower Essences” to go to the list of plants and their uses. Click on “Product Details” for each plant to reveal more detailed information). They also have some interesting info in a blog on a related site LiFE Academy of Australia.

An Australian Ogham

An interesting comparison of Australian flora with the traditional Ogham and also with Runes (now only available via “The Wayback Machine”).

Trees in Comparison …an article about Aussie trees on “Shadowplay” Pagan webzine which talks about comparisons between the traditional imports and our native or home grown varieties.